Everyone on the doomed ship died except for his sisters. If he can’t vanquish the horror trailing them, they’ll be next.

Think Irish determination meets ancient evil in 1862 Massachusetts. Finn Carey's fought his way up from nothing in the mills, and he's not about to let some supernatural horror take away the only family he has left. (Though honestly, he'd prefer a fistfight - at least he knows how those work.)

Being stubborn might get you far in life, but when you're up against something that's had centuries to practice its own brand of persistence? Well, let's just say the canals of Massachusetts are about to witness one hell of a showdown.

“There’s only heartache where the veln tread. This I know.” Ieva shifted the bag in her hands, the spikes knocking together with a muffled click.

The Devil’s Key


Here's the thing about Finn Carey: he's never known when to quit. It's how this young Irishman clawed his way up in the mills, fighting for every scrap of opportunity to build a better life. So when the ship carrying his sisters from Ireland drifts into port like a ghost - everyone dead except, somehow, his sisters - he thinks maybe his legendary determination has finally paid off.

But this is New England in 1862, and some things are older and darker than even Irish stubbornness can handle. As churches are defiled and cemeteries desecrated, Finn starts piecing together a truth he really doesn't want to believe: whatever escaped that ship isn't done yet. And hour by hour, canal by canal, it's getting closer to the only family he has left.

Now Finn's facing something that can't be outworked, outfought, or outmaneuvered by sheer force of will. For the first time in his life, pure determination might not be enough - but try telling him that.

(Warning: This book contains Irish stubbornness, ancient evil, and the kind of atmospheric New England horror that'll make you think twice about walking along canals at night. Also, never underestimate someone who's fought their way up from nothing - even if they are going up against something that's had centuries to practice the art of damnation.)

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